The Storm Area 51 event scheduled for September was co-opted by Bud Light who presumably used the event as a cheap advertising gimmick. That’s what they want us to think anyway. Since we know that the Intergalactic Beer Overlords basically control all of the known universes, it’s more likely that they are under contract to provide beer to any aliens hapless enough to land on this planet.
Sure, they made a big deal out of placing a few well-stocked coolers full of limited edition Bud Light. What didn’t make the news was that all the beer was drunk. Who drank it all? They aren’t telling us. What are they hiding? We know the Grays like beer. We know they are always watching over the human race, waiting until we are ripe enough to eat, maybe? It’s downright insulting that they think we are being fooled by a few green cans filled with light beer. We’re onto you Bud Light! We won’t be silenced by anything less than a full keg of limited edition alien Bud Light beer. (Thanks for that, BTW)
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