National Geographic magazine has reported that archeologists have found traces of psychotropic Vilca seeds in the remains of the vessels used to prepare chicha, a beer-like drink containing roughly 5% alcohol. The discovery was made in Quilcapampa, a Wari village in southern Peru. The ruins were from approximately 1,100 years ago.
The hallucinogenic properties of Vilca seeds include intense out-of-body experiences. The researchers indicate that perhaps when mixed into chicha it might have been a fun and positive group experience instead of the shocking and intense experience when the same seeds are simply ground up and smoked or snuffed.
The article speculates that the resulting psychedelic beer might have been used to win over leaders of nearby villages and possibly even adversaries.
What we can learn from this today, is that beer has lubricated the tensions of politics for centuries even in supposedly primitive cultures and Magic beer might do the trick even better.
Imagine what might happen if the United Nations started adding magic beer to their lunch menus. Perhaps we would finally get some world peace or at least a significant reduction in global tensions. At minimum, it would make the UN cafeteria the top daytime party spot in NYC. Imagine a cadre of international jam bands all converging on the United Nations building for a days-long festival of politics and trippy bureaucracy. It would finally be cool to be an ambassador!
Also, it might be worth experimenting with mixing hallucinogens into beer. We’re talking to you, micro-breweries! Just be careful of the local regulations, so nobody gets in trouble.